Work because you love the grind.
Dec 2 2017.
I'm sitting in a starbucks in Capital Hill (Seattle) at 11am. I've been here two hours working on this new website layout. Its my dream to make this brand loud and influential. I want this to be a platform where up and coming musicians can get noticed, booked, played out, etc.
I don't know what I am doing half the time, I just know I love working on this brand and love what it teaches me along the way. I love the difficulty of making things actually happen. Sometimes I get way into my head and think, shit, this will never work, why am I doing this, but for some reason, the thought of quitting doesn't sit well with me. I work on this before my day job, I work on it after hours, weekends, because I love the grind. I love seeing the little successes, I love the doors it randomly opens, I love seeing how it's inflected others, helped musicians, etc. Those little wins keep me going.
Always thankful for every person who supports the brand and family behind it. We grow together.
-Omar (OHMS)